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Daily News Roundup: Fake Samsung Updates App Had 10 Million Installs

A fraudulent app called “Updates for Samsung” promised to help users install the latest firmware updates for their Samsung phones. In reality, it redirected users to an ad-filled site and tricked them into purchasing an expensive subscription.

Android updates can be a mess, and that’s mostly the manufacturer’s fault. If you want guaranteed timely updates, your best bet is to buy a Pixel phone. Unfortunately, some bad actors took advantage of how obtuse updating a Samsung phone can be and released an app called “Updates for Samsung” promising to make updates easier.

The app in question didn’t truly fulfill the “convenient and easy” promise. When opened, the app redirects users to an ad-filled site that did have Samsung firmware download links. But you have to dig past a bucket load of ads, and hope the free download link it offered didn’t crash.

When malware analyst Aleksejs Kuprins dug into the code, he discovered the app throttled its free download options to 56 KBps, and in testing generally crashed before completing. “Updates for Samsung” offered a $35 premium subscription that removed those limitations for a successful fast download.

Even the subscription process was suspect, as it didn’t use Google’s payment system, in violation of Play Store rules. Thankfully, after reporting this information to Google, the app has been removed from the Play Store. It’s just a shame it took 10,000 installs and an outside party noticing the problem for Google to put a stop to this abuse of unsuspecting users. [ZDNet]

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Lightsail 2 is an incredibly exciting and unique satellite. First up in its unique credentials, crowdfunding helped bring the spacecraft to life.

You also won’t find a traditional means of propulsion in the satellite. Instead, as the name suggests, the LightSail 2 will soon unfurl a broad set of sails (which double as a solar charger) and use the impact of photons to move.

Read the remaining 5 paragraphs

via: howtogeek.com

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